Newsletter 23 June 2024

Monday, 24 June 2024 by Sandie Hampton

Welcome to my belated newsletter. So much has been happening during the month.


Hawkes Bay Congress.


There was a great contingent of players who participated. Great to see.

Suzanne Ahipene and Adrienne Cudby won the Junior pairs

Jacqui Rye, Dianne Brady, Hisayo Shimizu, won this trophy for the second year. They have now moved up to Junior, so we need our novices to step up and win the trophy next year.  The lady in the middle was the sponsor.

Sue Scott, Peter Bannister and Carol (From Havelock North club) were well placed in the 3 + 1 session. This session was very informative and the "Ones" were some of the top players in the country. We are so fortunate that they support our Hawkes Bay congress.

Other winners

Jacqui and Dianne won the Junior / Novice section at the tournament on Sunday 5 May at Taradale. 

Carol and Alison won the Welcome Pairs receiving their prize from Marie

Mike Williamson and Ross Vercoe won by a small margin to take out the Thursday night Championship. This is one of the big series for Thursday nights and is very contestable. Well done!!


Our new partner pairs was won by Barb Twyford and Cheryl Anderson. Would you believe that on the opening night of the next series Cheryl and Chris Anderson were placed second and have just completed the lessons – great combination in the making?

Our Special General Meeting and Christmas Themed party

Friday night we had a lovely party with the Special General Meeting and we voted on the nomination of two life members. Francey had come out of hospital just that day so could not join us.  Jane’s face told it all when she realised Sylvia was talking about here– lovely to see. The scene was certainly set with our theme. Thanks to all who came and a special thanks to those who made the evening a success. We had players from Napier, Taradale and Hastings with us.

Other club activity and a reminder

Health.  There is lots of illness in the community so please respect other players – stay home BUT do let either your partner know or the convenor if you are unable to make a request on Pianola.


Matiriki Holiday  - Our Annual Charity Event  We would love to see you all at our afternoon event. The baskets for the Women’s Refuge are looking fabulous. Sylvia and Henny have put together four raffles so think about the odds of winning. We will have a social time following the play and also afternoon tea so if that is not enough to attract you please tell me what we could do to entice you to come along. Importantly, we are fundraising for an extremely worthy cause. Representatives from Women’s Refuge will be with us to receive the baskets.


Thanks for the catering. It is wonderful to see the quantity of food brought along to the various playing sessions by our members so thanks to those who contribute.


Upcoming Tournaments. Keep an eye open for upcoming tournaments. Henny and Sylvia are working on these currently. Watch out for the flyers.


I am sure I have missed some photos but the photo montage has become quite large this month. My apology to those I have missed.


Lyndsay B
