Newsletter 18 July 2024

Friday, 19 July 2024 by Sandie Hampton

Contribution from the QOH.


Reminders regarding courtesy at the bridge table.

Always be courteous at the bridge table. This applies to how one relates to partner, the opponents and the Director when s/he is called. Avoid any remark or action that might cause embarrassment to any other player – or which might interfere with his/her enjoyment of the game. It is always good practice to greet your new opponents at the table. The Director should always be called to the table in a courteous manner. Using the word ̳’please‘ assists in this courtesy. Being mindful of the ̳’tone‘ in one‘s voice when summoning the Director. This official provides a valued service to bridge players. At the end of a round it is courteous to thank your opponents before moving on to the next table.


The Queen of hearts (QOH) has kindly offered to help us brush up on matters at the heart of the QOH so on a regular basis, QOH will be giving me information to share.


Anne and Erica won the Fred Twyford Tuesday night pairs. Not only did they win they also scored over 80% on one of the nights - congrats to you both for getting a great score.







This is just a short addition to the main newsletter as I did not have the photo.


Thanks QOH




Lyndsay Browne
